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The Mormon Rebellion America’s First Civil War 1857 – 1858

David L. Bigler and Will Bagley

The names and history of these two authors alone makes this a must read for any author of Mormon frontier fiction. The title of chapter five: “The Cleansing Blood of Sinners: The Reformation”, promises to give us the other side of the story of this dreadful time in the history of the Utah Saints. I especially like the title to chapter seven: “The United States Army Stumbles to War”. Chapter eleven promises the days of his (presumably Brigham Young’s) kingdom are numbered, and Chapter twelve tells of Buchanan’s Ultimatum: “Let the Consequences Fall”. This single year certainly is an interesting period in Utah History and this book promises to help us put every detail in its proper place. I can’t wait.


There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

W. Somerset Maugham