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Indian Depredations in Utah

By: Peter Gottfredson

Indian Wars of the western frontier were an integral part of American and Native American history. Stories of those wars would not be complete without Peter Gottfredson’s classic, time-honored account, Indian Depredations in Utah. After Peter arrived in America in 1855, he became a passionate journalist, storyteller, and author, quite aware of living in a historical time. In his book, first published in 1919 by Skelton Publishing CO. of Salt Lake City, Utah, he recorded for posterity his firsthand experiences during those trying and often tragic times.

The Timpanogos Nation ruled the area of Utah’s Wasatch Range when Mormon colonists arrived in 1847. Peter, who herded sheep for a living, spent much of his time living among the Timpanogos Tribe during the Utah Black Hawk War years in the 1860s. Called “Sheep Captain” by tribe members, Peter enjoyed playing with their children and helping them gather food.

Peter Gottfredson’s book is regarded as vital by scholars, historians, and history buffs; Peter has earned his place in American history.


There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

W. Somerset Maugham

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